I am an enthusiastic fan of the Ultimate Scraper! When I use it on my driveway or sidewalk, it pops crusty snow up with ease. It doesn’t require chipping, which can damage your concrete or asphalt. It works like like a spatula on eggs or pancakes. Working hard in the cold can really tax you physically, which can be hazardous. You don’t have to work hard with the Ultimate Scraper to get amazing results.
I have used the Ultimate Scraper for a few years now. It is a unique tool that does its job in a way that’s different from other scrapers. For starters, it is wider than most scrapers. I had a friend who was working on my driveway with a scraper that had a narrower blade. I showed him mine and he stubbornly continued to work with his own. After struggling for a while he returned to borrow MY scraper because he had to admit it worked better than his! Wow!
This Ultimate Scraper is the best scraper that I have ever used. This tool make the tough winter conditions much easier to handle. You are able to scrape the driveway and sidewalk with very little effort. The Ultimate Scraper is a good tool to make the driveway and sidewalk safe for my family and guests. With the use of this scraper I have eliminated the need to put down all those chemicals that can damage your driveway and walk.
We have used this great tool to scrape the ice off our driveway in the spring as our house faces north and the tree line is really high. We have also used our scraper to remove shingles from our roof!
If you like to keep your driveway clean to the pavement, The Ultimate Scraper works great. The packed snow will “pop” off the concrete.
Our customers love the Ultimate Scraper. We love the Ultimate Scraper. This scraper makes an undesirable job almost fun. Why use a primitive ice scraper when you can use the Ultimate Scraper?!
You can buy a cheap scraper almost anywhere, but a well built one is a lot harder to find. We’ve been carrying The Ultimate Scraper for 10 years and our customers have flocked to them versus the cheaper alternatives nearly every time. This premium product belongs on your store shelves!
If you live in Minnesota or any snowy state you NEED the Ultimate Scraper. I have used it for years and it gets ice off of your sidewalk and driveway with very little effort.
The Ultimate Scraper is my go-to when I need to remove that ice that constantly builds up at the end of my driveway.
Less salt on my grass: Even on the coldest winter days in Minnesota, this scraper will get under ice and remove it from sidewalks. The end result is much less salt purchased and then shoveled into the lawn.Subzero work: I love lightweight tools. I love tools that don’t snap and shatter in subzero weather even more. I have yet to bend or break these scrapers at any temperature on any application. I haven’t even broke one by abusing it, but give me time, I’ve only had them for ten years or so.
On the job site: I have scraped off glue, gunk, drywall mud, and all kinds of other material from floors in clean up or preparation for final flooring. Because of its rigid blade design, the Ultimate Scraper allows you to find bumps and imperfections that you can’t always see and otherwise may go unnoticed until it erupts through the new finished flooring. The 6″ blade model works great when things are really stuck and you need more concentrated force. The 12″ blade model is great when you have lighter work and want to quickly scrape larger areas clean.
What are you waiting for?
Order today and tackle your toughest scraping challenges!